Rules and Guidelines
Air Show Atlantic always designs its Show for the safety and enjoyment of everyone involved. The show’s future depends on the support of the public and their willingness to abide by specific safety measures. Please help us by adhering to the Show guidelines listed below, doubly so because of the challenges brought on by COVID-19. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION! weekend:
Driving & Parking
Please allow for sufficient time to drive to the Show and to park. Expect minimal delays and adjust accordingly. Please be careful when driving to the show… the activity in the sky can distract you more than normal. Watch the road and arrive at the show safely. And please don’t park where you’re not supposed to… if in doubt, move to where you are directed, as Show security/police will be instructed to tow unauthorized parked vehicles.
Please DO NOT bring your pets. Because of safety reasons for both the pet and the crowd on-site at the Show, NO PETS will be permitted on the Air Show grounds with the exception of certified service animals.
No Smoking or Vaping Allowed
Please – for safety and courtesy there is NO SMOKING OR VAPING Anywhere on the Air Show grounds. If you do light up anywhere, you will be asked to extinguish and dispose of your cigarette (or put away your e-cigarette).
Are permitted at this years show.
Please ensure you pick up your own litter and any stray litter you may see. There are dozens of trash and recycling cans throughout the grounds. Any litter remaining on the ground can potentially cause what is known as Foreign Object Damage (FOD).
FOD is defined as any article which causes, or has the potential to cause, damage to an aircraft or malfunction of an aircraft system or component. It could be an object, material or substance which gets ingested into an engine, jams a control surface, shorts out an electrical circuit, damages or punctures a tire, causes a fire or otherwise causes damage. Any number of everyday things can be FOD – paper, cardboard, plastic, discarded bags of ice, nuts & bolts, tools, the list is endless.
Needless to say, it is very important we all do our part in preventing FOD – please do your part and make sure that all litter is disposed of in the designated containers found throughout the grounds.
Food & Drink
Food or drinks should not be within ten feet of any aircraft. Some surfaces don’t react well to the acids in food and beverages. A spill could mean a lengthy clean-up for an airplane owner.
No Alcohol
No alcohol will be permitted onto the grounds and will be confiscated by security personnel. It is possible that you will be asked to leave the grounds if you are found with alcohol in a non-licensed area.
The only licensed areas for alcohol sales and consumption will be the “Runway” Premium Seating and the VIP Chalets and only beverages that are served in those areas will be permitted there.
Be Aware of the Heat
It is summer in Nova Scotia – this means you should take precautions for potential high heat and humidity. Wear loose-fitting, light-colored clothing and drink plenty of water. On a hot day, your body will lose more water than is required to just satisfy your thirst.
Watch for the warning signs of heat-related disorders:
- Heat stress:symptoms may include a decrease in ability to think and reason clearly; cramps of the extremities and abdomen.
- Heat exhaustion:symptoms may include moist clammy skin, ashen gray color, dilated pupils, confusion, dizziness, drowsiness, weakness and vomiting.
- Heat stroke:symptoms may include dry hot skin, loss of consciousness, convulsions, rapid pulse and breathing that could lead to death!
Don’t Touch
Ask before touching any airplane that doesn’t belong to you – the airplanes are not public property. Please don’t lean against or set anything against an airplane at any time. Please respect other people’s property as you would have them respect yours.
Items You Can Bring (and those Not Permitted)
Feel free to bring your lawn chair, blanket, sunglasses, sunscreen, etc. People who choose to carry lawn chairs with them should be extra careful with them when near an airplane. However, while lawn chairs are allowed in the spectator area, they can pose a threat to airplanes when left unattended, especially on windy days. Unattended lawn chairs will be picked up and disposed of.
It is also recommended to carry sufficient cash if you plan to make purchases at the concessions booths (ie. food, drinks, souvenirs, etc.). However, for your convenience, we will also have Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) on-site the entire weekend.
Please do not bring in hard-sided coolers. Packages, knapsacks, bags, etc. will be subject to search at the gates. Also note that there are no restrictions on bottles or cans of water, juice and soft drinks being brought onto the air show grounds. However, alcohol cannot be brought onto the grounds and will be confiscated at the entrance.
A more comprehensive list of prohibited items is shown below:
- NO hard-sided coolers
- NO alcohol
- NO smoking or vaping
- NO drones
- NO camera stands over 6′ in height
- NO unauthorized military costumes
- NO pets (except certified service animals)
- NO motorized non-medical equipment
- NO cycles
- NO skateboards
- NO rollerblades
- NO aviation radio scanners/transceivers
- NO balloons
- NO weapons
- NO tents or shelters (unless medically necessary)